9 must-know Ecommerce Websites Tips for NZ Customers

December 2, 2020


When we say, we are in the modern era the one crucial thing which make us experience this is “internet”, a source which can easily connect you worldwide being at one place.

As per the reports by Emarsys and GoodData, the sales of E-commerce in New Zealand have doubled compared to last year due to the pandemic effect.

Selling in New Zealand is the best option for growth-minded online merchants. When you launch your store in a new market, there are several useful facts and data that you should consider.

There are 4,078,993 Internet users in New Zealand, and Internet penetration amounts to 89.40%. Source

One can utilize e-commerce website design to promote your online platform of the store as a whole or to drive more sales for specific products.

When there are so many benefits of being on the e-commerce platform, and before going e-commerce, let’s understand a few practical tips to try.

1.Secure Payment & Return policy

Returns have always been a headache for retailers. There’s the cost of processing returns, in terms of staff and resources, and there’s also the risk that items returned may not be easily resold. Even after all this, customer convenience needs to function with this policy.

According to the 2017 UPS Pulse of the Online Shopper survey, 68% of shoppers view returns policies before making a purchase. Metapack’s Guide to Returns found that 50% of shoppers had abandoned a purchase due to a lack of choice of returns channels while had deterred 56% of consumers from shopping due to an e-commerce site’s returns policies. Hence these data’s are enough to display how vital role return policies play in every shopper’s life.

E-commerce is all about trust; hence secure payment processes will encourage and motivate customers for transaction of online payments. Securing customer data and other information is essential to protect against fraud and other security issues.

2.Easy Navigation & Search Bar

Always keep yourself in the shoes of user and design structure of your website; it should be easy, hassle-free and direct without any confusion. E-commerce food website design will always satisfy with the practical layout, which will be most comfortable for them to navigate and organize products in a way that makes sense for the end-user along with simplified checkout process.

Many visitors have a specific product already in their mind when they enter your website. Having a productive search bar will ensure them to find the work they have in mind quickly. Hence make sure you have a search bar which provides audience not to scroll through pages of information which they are not interested and if not there is a high possibility that they will leave the page and shift another website.

3.Special Offer & Wishlist

We all like offers and discounts while wishlist may help you to deal with stock items and offer customers to save the out of stock product to their wishlist. They also alert them via email or in-app notification once it is back in supply.

It helps to quickly expand your customer base while offering customers the chance to remember their services or products they show interest in; you will remind them about your business. The target audience also appreciates special personalized offers because anybody will like attention.

It motivates and inspires them to purchase more and spend more time searching the site. If e-commerce sites are using on-going promotions, providing a unique webpage which will enlist the product offers and will not only drive more sales but will improve SEO

creative offer

4.Build trust by website Branding

It is very mandatory to ensure your trust with customers so that they develop a sense of belongingness towards you. Below are a few ways you can build trust with your website

  • Make sure your website is HTTPS secure
  • Display your team members realistic photos
  • Honest testimonials, customers reviews and ratings
  • Always show your business contact information
  • Share your social platform links
  • Have a simplistic and easy navigation
  • Secure payment gateways

5.Product Photoshoot & Videos

Images are the best part to attract and entice customers visiting your website, so make sure photos are realistic and detailed so that they look real. Photoshoot with correct props and background will always take images to another level and makes it look professional yet engaging.

Addition of video testimonials or any types of video with it’s relevant to your message and high quality. Make sure stunning photography portfolio that visitors will love. New-Zealand is a place of natural assets so make sure to highlight country known identities such as Maori, Ferns, purity, 100% authentic and lot of earthy images will connect audience more strongly as they represent them.


Setting up opportunities on the website through cross-selling always begins with your top products and observe for related or complementary products suggest with it.

Here you are merely offering additional products or services to customers to try and get another spend out of them. Cross-selling will build customer loyalty, improving profitability and strengthening the customer relationship. It is the best way and works for both you and your customers.

Example: Fast food restaurants billing counter person asking you: “Do you want fries with your food sir while eCommerce websites showing “customers also bought” in its status.

A mobile phone retailer suggesting a customer buys a new case for their new phone

cross selling

Also Read: Types of CMS Website Development & Design Cost in NZ

7.Customer Review & Social Proofs

In the modern world today, we all tend to check social platforms of the brand before purchasing its products or services; hence it’s a great idea to include social elements on your e-commerce sites. It will generate trust and also increases the brand recall value compared to products without a social presence.

Things like product reviews, ratings and testimonials follow buttons, and even social login options all help the conversion funnel.

Customer reviews, press releases, award/certifications and information about the company on various other platforms will create social evidence about your brand. Always ensure and put yourself in the shoes of a customer and think about what they might want to find on a website that is yet unknown to them.

positive feedback

8.Easy Checkout process

Indeed, a SaleCycle survey found that 23% of customers have abandoned purchases because they had to create an account first.

Instead, a guest checkout option gives customers the opportunity to enter an email address and head straight to checkout. It means customers start to complete address and payment details more quickly and makes the process seem like less work.

Make easy reset options for forgotten passwords to reduce down the number of steps.

Include progress indicators which will keep the user informed about his proceedings and try making visual indicators which will simplify the checkout process.

A summary helps shoppers to see that their order is correct before they finish the checkout, and also means they don’t have to leave the checkout to check anything.

online shopping

9.Responsive & Fast Loading

The most frustrating thing is “slow websites” it is not only bad for end-user but also not suitable for SEO point of view. Some tips to ensure faster website loading time is by improving your hosting plan, ensure images are internet friendly, understand HTTP requests, eliminate website baggage, cut down external scripts and use plugins sparingly.

A responsive website will help in attracting a more comprehensive range of audience with more straightforward monitor analytics. The primary benefit of responsive web design that it loads quickly without any distortions, so users don’t need to manually resize anything.

Some Creative E-Commerce Website Design Templates

jewelary website design

zero pixeal image zero pixeal image

amazing ecommerce website design

source: mahardhi.com/opencart/tfm/MT01/mixbucket/11/

zero pixeal image zero pixeal image

creative e commerce website design

source: mahardhi.com/opencart/tfm/MT01/mixbucket/01/

zero pixeal image zero pixeal image

best website design

source: new-basel2.myshopify.com/?_ab=0&_fd=0&_sc=1

zero pixeal image zero pixeal image

shoes website design

source: new-basel2.myshopify.com/?_ab=0&_fd=0&_sc=1

zero pixeal image zero pixeal image

tool website design

source: mahardhi.com/prestashop/MT03/tooltrex/01/en/

zero pixeal image zero pixeal image

food website design

source: mahardhi.com/opencart/tfm/MT01/mixbucket/13/

zero pixeal image zero pixeal image

watches website design

source: new-basel.myshopify.com/?_ab=0&_fd=0&_sc=1

wine website design

source: mahardhi.com/opencart/tfm/MT01/mixbucket/03/

zero pixeal image zero pixeal image

automobile website design

source: mahardhi.com/prestashop/MT03/tooltrex/02/en/

zero pixeal image zero pixeal image

amazing ecommerce website design

source: mahardhi.com/opencart/tfm/MT01/mixbucket/16/

zero pixeal image zero pixeal image

cosmetic website design

source: mahardhi.com/opencart/tfm/MT01/mixbucket/08/

zero pixeal image zero pixeal image

creative e commerce website design

zero pixeal image zero pixeal image


Above are some of the few tips which are known to be best for building the best e-commerce website in New-Zealand but along with them make sure you always keep focusing on staying mobile friendly and straightforward.

Keep track on your competitor’s website and stay updated with the latest trends in e-commerce website industry so that you don’t miss out anything.

If you are planning to build a new e-commerce website or revamping then connect us and we will ensure to take you on the next level and help you with productive solutions which will make you gain competitive advantage.

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