Stunning honey packaging designs for your inspiration

August 17, 2018


Honey has been in existence since time immemorial and researchers have discovered that it has natural antibacterial and therapeutic properties. Quality of honey depends on when and how it has been harvested. No doubt, honey produced in New Zealand is 100% pure in quality due to strict quality control and fresh natural environment. Consumers can choose from diverse varieties of honey. Manuka Honey, one of the most expensive honey variety, is considered best to treat wound infections and act as an anti bacterial agent.

Packaging of honey products has specialized facets which present the packaging in an engaging manner. The packaging design has to be visually appealing and give it a competitive edge. Honey packaging design should inform consumers of sources of production, mandatory health licenses and other vital information. Glass jars and bottles help to retain its freshness of honey and enhance its keeping quality. The most unique aspect of packaging for honey products is an elegant and inspiring artwork which catches attention on super market shelves amidst hordes of competition.

Also Read: NZ Honey Brand Design : Complete Guide

Let the liquid gold be in a “food grade” clear container to show off the mesmerizing golden color.

Here are some popular Honey Brands of New Zealand where different kinds of artwork for honey labels can be viewed:-


HANTZ HONEY – Runny Liquid Honey



AIRBORNE – Pure Natural New Zealand Honey



SIGNATURE RANGE – Manuka Honey Natural



MOTHER EARTH – Manuka Blend Honey



SIGNATURE RANGE – Liquid Honey Natural



AIRBORNE – Manuka Honey



MANAWA – Manuka Honey

One response to “Stunning honey packaging designs for your inspiration”

  1. for starters we have a honey label that needs adjusting for the us market and also printing of the label
    we have had a consultant look at it and has given us notes of changes required

    we are also looking at getting a box designed for holding the honey jars

    is this something that you can help us with please?

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