New-Zealand Health and Wellness Packaging

December 24, 2019


As country name it is defined by Mother Nature, One of the major exporters of healthy food in the world. People here value and treasure their natural resources and highly utilize them as health supplements.

Health-conscious communities in New-Zealand buy health supplement only when they are convinced by heart mind and soul. The packaging design of health supplement food products plays a vital role in choosing the product. Cultural and traditional elements are a significant factor which influences the purchasing decision here. Packaging designs should reflect the Maori and kiwi culture, which will help customers to relate and gain the feeling of “sense of belongingness”.

Here we discuss and display packaging design of health supplement which you can quickly get in NZ hypermarkets and Pharmaceuticals also famously known as kiwi wellness products around the world.

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Deer Placenta is a supplement which acts as recharging your life battery. New Zealand is a significant manufacturer of deer products. The governments of New Zealand demand very high standards of animal husbandry. New Zealand’s pristine environment contributes significantly to the health and vitality of New Zealand deer.

Traditionally the deer are known to be the symbol of health, energy, strength and vitality; hence the packaging design of deer placenta should reflect these characteristics. The core strength of New Zealanders is “nature” thus; packaging design should be a reflection of it.

The packaging design should highlight images of deer justifying its brand name with earthy tone colours such as brown and organic colour such as green which are closer to nature.

Product information, brand name, batch number, expiry date, GTIN and other mandate information should be mention. The benefits of the product with a creative font style should be placed at the centre of pack designing. The brand story should be displayed on label designing by displaying the nature-oriented graphics or the process.

Visual language should be immaculate and straightforward. The brand logo should be a point of attraction as it creates a distinct brand identity.


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New-Zealanders are keen information seekers when it comes about their fitness and health-oriented products. Our country is an ideal source for clean, pure fish oil which is free from environmental toxins, PCB’s, heavy metals and other contaminants.

Here the fish oil is rich of essential Omega- 3 fatty acids with high quality which come exclusive from deep blue waters of New-Zealand and south pacific. Omega-3 is the USP of the product hence represented in bold font at centre placement will increase the visibility level. Certified sustainable icons of Hoki and Anchoveta should be mention which will trace the fishing vessels, date, time, location of catch and stamp made in New-Zealand will ensure the reliability and trust among Kiwis.

The value proposition of Fish oils such as right heart health improves brain functioning and reduce inflammation, and many more should be visibly evident.

Packaging plays a significant role in maintaining the freshness; hence we consider glass is better than plastic packaging as glass helps to preserve antioxidants and vitamins compared to plastic.

Colours used in Fish oil packaging should represent water; hence blue and green shades are most relevant seen packaging tones. Icon of Fern, which is a cultural part of New-Zealand along with the fish image, will establish the local identity of the product.


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The green-lipped mussel is known as New-Zealand’s first “superfood” which is having great nutritional benefits, being low in fat, calories and cholesterol while high in protein, iron and Omega-3 fatty acids. New-Zealand being the source of raw ingredients used in nutritional supplements should be mentioned through the brand story on packaging design which will include the pristine water surroundings theme of New-Zealand.

As the brand story would make for a compelling platform to represent the country origin, organic or ethical harvesting process types.

Kiwis prefer whole natural supplements hence make sure packaging is communicating value-added information with clarity such as”no preservatives added”, “hand-sorted and hand packed” with simple and understandable ingredient information on it.

The packaging is of generally higher quality and focuses on ensuring the long-term freezer life. The focus should be more on product benefits, brand logo instead of overusing the photos of mussels. The packaging design, which communicates the method and structure description of mussel farming in New Zealand, will add the heritage emotion to packaging design.


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As Known “Mother Nature’s First Food” is the pre-milk fluid that newly born mammals consume within the first few hours of birth. New-Zealand is home for high-quality colostrum, and packaging design should communicate the essential elements such as absolutely no hormones, antibiotics, chemicals or GMO’s.

Our colostrums are obtained from grass-fed cows which are raised in beautiful plains of New-Zealand where they roam outdoors on green pasture year-round. Hence this exclusive information on packaging design will add a competitive advantage. The key benefits of New-Zealand colostrum should be mention on packagings such as free from pesticides/hormones, antibiotics, heavy metals and disease-causing pathogens.

Product is ideal for kids as well as an adult, so the packaging design targeting kids should focus on cartoons like attractive cow images with subtle colours and doodle art with majorly seen essential white background. Packaging should be bright, colourful and funky, which will create a distinct and stylish brand image.


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Read More :  Creative Frozen Food Packaging Design

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The New-Zealand Grass-Fed Whey protein is sourced from a cow that grazes on the all-natural, pesticide-free farm and in a beautiful country. We are known as a country for upholding the strictest quality controls in the dairy industry. Kiwi does prefer Whey protein which is hormone-free and antibiotic-free protein to help build muscle naturally without any preservatives and hence designing, should include mentioning thins information on packaging.

The origin of the country is displayed, which will create a brand unique identity. General warnings, ingredients and volumetric measures play an essential part in packaging design. Whey protein is available in various categories following different process, and hence those specifications on packaging design will clarify the purpose and type of variant. Mention Gluten-free, soy-free, so that the correct target audience is attracting towards the product.

New-Zealanders value organic products and hence 100% natural and fruit oriented flavours are in boom; therefore, it is a significant brand to communicate its message through correct packaging design.


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Collagen is naturally produced protein which is responsible for 80% of all connective tissue and 75% of skin – it is essentially the glue that holds the body together. The Kiwi made collagen products which lie from skin, hair; joints supplements are abundantly found protein from the nature of our country.

Packaging of collagen is inspired by deep blue health marine collagen which is sourced from the pristine coastal waters of New-Zealand and is perfect collagen supplement. Kiwi appreciates the intelligent information on packaging hence depending upon the target audience, make sure the font, tagline, colours are coordinated.

The main ingredient which will act as a hero should highlight with distinct font and placement such as” New-Zealand sustainable Marine Collagen” this strategy will create a distinct brand identity. The quality plant extracts, herbs and other incredibly impressive ingredients will lead to health and wellness inspired packaging design.


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The natural product sector in New-Zealand is booming and holds massive potential essential oils

The majority of our essential Oils are 100% pure and natural essential oils; the only exceptions are our dilutions and cosmetic grade oils. The essential oils used for a myriad of topical applications such as perfumery, aromatherapy cosmetics and personal care. Essential oil packaging should be soothing to the eyes and should not be cluttered. The packaging label design should be felt clean, fun as well as modern.

The brand personality and emotion of being organic should be rendered through packaging so that the audience is attracted.

The essential oil packaging colour should be earthy and nature-inspired yet should excel in beauty shelf. Type of variants such as Lavender, Basil, Sandalwood, Lemongrass and many more in oil will hold unique characteristic in the form of artwork. Labels should include purpose, allergic warnings, age limitations and process of usage through the iconic style.


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The bee propolis in New-Zealand is an excellent form of natural antioxidant, antibacterial properties, known for fighting infections and other bacteria-related ailments.

Not all propolis is equal the quality and potency of propolis; hence packaging design should reflect the New-Zealand unique environmental produces plant-life which is rich with bioactive compounds. The origin of the country should be present: “made in NewZealand”. The level of bee propolis and alcohol extract percentage should communicate through designing.

The brand story on packaging design will build creative brand personality, which will evoke its space in the minds of customers.

The benefits of the product should render on the packaging which will engage customers and help them to understand the purpose of purchasing decision.


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The dietary supplements of New-Zealand are known for its health and fitness with the highest quality. It is known for protecting, strengthening, and restoring the body’s functions that are out of balance. The unique process of nurturing the deer and raising them through the natural process should be reflected through packaging design brand story.

Around 80-90% of the red deer population in New-Zealand would meet the standard quality norms; hence this makes it very important that brand communication is unique and creative. The information such as no animals has been harmed, and deer are raised in cruelty-free, humane conditions in full compliance of government regulations should be mentioned mandatory on the packaging.

Back of packaging should include composition and diversified nutritional substances information. The caution, no artificial flavourings and dosage details on packaging design will communicate the relevant information.


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