How to Start Honey Business in NZ 2020-Complete Guide

June 12, 2020


Introduction and History

We all love honey and its nutritious values, today honey has become the part of our day to day lives. We use it as natural sweeteners in cereals or food products; we use it in beauty regime, weight loss and many other health benefits. While we use it frequently, do you know how honey was introduced to New-Zealand? 

In New Zealand, bees collect nectar from various types of different flowers and trees, which will consist of fruit trees, clover, and natives like Manuka and Pohutukawa. Hence when you purchase honey, you have options including smooth, pale clover honey, caramel coloured Pohutukawa, and darker Manuka.

Mary Bumby is the sister of Northland missionary was the one who introduced bees to New-Zealand. She ensured to bring two hives with her from England in March 1839. Bees then also carried by the Reverend Richard Taylor, William Cotton, Lady Hobson and James Busby in the year 1843. The introduction of bees to Bay of Islands is attributed to Bishop Pompallier. While now our country is having 28 species of 28 native bees.

Honey Statistics 

Today New-Zealand is 2nd largest exporter of honey with natural honey exports of $228,775,000; its major export countries are China, Australia, Japan, USA, Japan. Kiwi Businesses in honey as revenue growth for the Beekeeping industry has been adjusted from a rise of 4.2% to an increase of 10.9% in 2020-21, as rising consumer health consciousness boosts demand for industry products.

Honey has been in existence from the time immemorial, and researchers have discovered that it has natural and antibacterial and healthy therapeutic values.

Quality of honey always depends on when and how it has been harvested. Honey produced in our country is known to be 100% pure in quality as it has to go through to strict quality control and new environment. Consumers can select from diverse options of honey.

Manuka Honey, is known to be one of the expensive honey variety, is considered the world best to treat wound infection and act as an antibacterial agent.


Apiculture here is having a voluntary Code of Conduct which you can download here. These codes and objectives are to maintain good relations with all stakeholders, beekeepers and ensure public safety, by sustainability of bees and their environment.

1. Check on Bee Keeping tools

Hive tools– Flat steel lever with a thin blade at one end to enable hive components.

Smoker – Purpose is to reduce the risk of being stung by calming bees. The most common would be hessian, cardboard or pine needles.

2.Ensure housing for your bees 

Apiculture New Zealand has a voluntary Code of Conduct which you can download here. The code’s objectives are to maintain good relations among all beekeepers and stakeholders, be considerate of public safety, and through good beekeeping practice, ensure the sustainability of bees and their environment

3.Obtaining bees and pre-purchase checks

Bees can be obtained by collecting a swarm or by purchasing a colony of bees, but ensure it is free of American Foulboard and advise on annual disease return. 

4.Registering hives

Make sure within 30 days of possession; you must ensure to register your hives with AsureQuality as well as the apiary where the hive is located.

5.Meeting legal requirements 

Beekeepers must be registered with The management agency through their contractor AssureQuality Ltd. They are required to register all their apiaries under their beekeeper registration number. 

6.Location of hive

The place should have access to enough supplies of pollen, nectar and water through all seasons. In a residential area, it is encouraged a flight path straight up above anyone walking around.

7.Personal safety and bees safety 

Bee suits, proper footwear and useful gloves are essential safety equipment’s; a first aid kit is also recommended to keep beside you always. 

Also Read: NZ Honey Brand Design : Complete Guide

Challenges faced by honey business:

  • The main concern facing the apiculture industry are on-going issues about health of bee, maintaining the confidence of overseas consumers, competition for apiary sites, and regulators in the integrity of New Zealand M?nuka honey.
  • There are also concerns regarding major disease factors in bees such as Varroa mite lead to the consequences for honey bee populations and pastoral agriculture.
  • Hive theft and hive vandalism is a growing issue in the industry. The high value of hives, coupled with the income generation potential, has resulted in them becoming a target for theft.
  • There is increasing investment in machinery and other tools to reduce heavy liftings, such as changing honey boxes to smaller sizes and reduced weights and buying cranes and lifters.
  • Increased expenditure and time commitments associated with implementing the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
  • An adverse effect of the aphids on the willow trees, as willows are an essential source of spring pollen.

Authentic and smart Honey Branding:

Our country is known for 100% Pure source of honey and sells its authentic products under the origin label.

A lot of people don’t necessarily know a lot about New Zealand, but they have an idea that we are pure, genuine, and a lot cleaner and greener than their own countries.

It is imperative to brand our products to create something more significant, which we call our ‘World of Good’.

1.Brand Logo

Since our honey is world-famous, make sure your logo is reflecting the elements of countries valuable symbols. They can be as silver fern, kiwi, nature, Maori, 100% pure, New-Zealand warriors, wild-life is a significant part.

The brand logo design should be bright, memorable and attractive and make sure it should be easily transferable on any medium.

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2.Brand personality

Depending upon the honey target market and positioning the brand personality will differ. If it’s expensive, then it will have a classy yet elegant brand personality, if it is for kids, then the brand personality will be cheerful and humorous.

If organic then overall, the feel and look of the brand will be inspired by nature and the environment. A brand personality will also include NZ themes such as Artistic Maori designs and Pacific Island Motifs to display the unique cultural identity of NZ culture

3.Brand Images

As per the brand target audience and its positioning, its graphics will be aligned, cartoon oriented images of bees, images of sources such as particular flower, fern, the flow of enticing honey, hive, or with the feel of natural elements will help the product to stand out.  

4.Brand Colour

Lots of earthy and natural colours are used in honey packaging to depict the 100% purity and natural features. Brown and green are primary colours of honey packaging since the majority of bottles are transparent; hence the colour of the label should be the contrast of honey to make it look beautiful and attractive.

5.Brand Typography

The font is used in such a way that it incorporates kiwi origin famous symbols such as silver fern or any cultural themes this will increase the authenticity of the product and creates space in the minds of customers.

6.Brand positioning

Positioning is defined as the place that a brand gains in the minds of the target audience and how it is distinguished from the products of the competitors. Such as if your product is targeting premium class audience, kids, affordability, quality, pricing or organic depending upon the brand positioning the marketing collaterals and activities are planned.

7.Packaging of Honey

Here your branding plays an important role, as now your packaging will communicate your brand values and brand message.

Packaging of honey products has to be visually attractive and creative, which will give it a competitive edge.

The honey packaging design should communicate a brand message with consumers such as of sources/origin of production, tagline, mandatory health, safety licenses and other essential information.

Glass jars and bottles will help to retain its freshness and enhance its quality. The most unique and creative aspect of honey packaging is an elegant and inspiring artwork which gains attention on supermarket and store shelves amidst hordes of competition.

The gold liquid is in a “food grade” oriented clear container to display off the mesmerizing golden colour.

Honey is appealing all on its own. Hence a creative packaging idea will help to gain a competitive advantage. As there is lots of several honey being produced, in a clear glass honey bottle or jar is a useful technique for selling honey because it ensures the honey to communicate for itself.

The transparent glass shows the natural colours and clarity of the honey, which is often what, entices consumers to buy.

Honey bottles should include in label with everything required by the USDA and other mandate regulating agencies.

Examples of what should be included on a honey jar label include:

Type of honey if its clover, manuka, wildflower etc. this will ensure the images, colours and brand story of packaging design 

Net weight 

Ingredients and nutritional values 

Brand logo, name and contact details 

Made in NZ Seal

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8.Marketing Collaterals 

Each touch-point of the brand, which can be business cards, stationery design, envelope designing, presentations, folders, letter-head should consider each brand elements consistency from brand logo, colour, typography to the brand message.

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9.Marketing strategy

The primary marketing strategy in New-Zealandis export-focused, as they produce surplus honey they prefer to export to well-known countries such as China, Japan, USA, China and UK.

New Zealand’s export growth in honey comes from value rather than volume, and we lead the world for price per kilogram exported and act as superb marketing strategy.

Around 8,000 tonnes of New Zealand honey is exported each year, with a total value of $187 million. Most New Zealand honey is shipped in retail packs, rather than in bulk. These honey cover a vast range of flavour types and properties.

There are various types of honey in New-Zealand such as Kamahi, Manuka, Beechwood Honeydew, Clover, Wildflower, Lavender and Acacia Honey. There are varieties from mild to powerful flavoured, light to dark shade, delicately perfumed to pungent and even honey with significant antibacterial properties. Hence the marketing strategy of export will depend upon the type of honey.

New Zealand has a legacy as a producer of most excellent quality, safe honey products. Our regulatory and authority system helps us to ensure this reputation if at all someone fails to comply with standards; this could undermine the operation and damage our reputation.

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As the company expands, get back to your original business plan and revise it as per any latest information and keep yourself updated. With a continually updated policy, you will always to have a brand guideline for growing your Kiwi business to the next level. A professional branding agency will always ensure to strategize structure in such a way which will make you stand out.

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