Food Label Design for New Zealand Products

March 10, 2022


The food industry is a high-demand trade globally, especially in New Zealand. As Agricultural, food and beverages are the top segments ruling in the region, the competition is becoming higher as new brands emerge into the sector.

How can you break through the market and make your brand stand out among others in such a battling era? One of the best methods to start with is creating a food label design that communicates the nature of the product.

The label design is the most prominent feature of food packaging, and it is the key tool that enables you to commence a long-term relationship with consumers. In this blog, we’ll discuss how food label designs attract customers and the significant elements that help develop a professional design for your New Zealand food business.

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What Attract Customers to a Food Label Design?

Food Product Label Design

Acquiring customer recognition requires research and planning. You need to understand what type of design can attract the target audience; else, you might be compelled to end up at the early stage itself. Proceeding blindly not only gives you more loss but puts your brand at risk.

Designing a food product label that attracts customers is exciting and challenging. You need to create an appealing design that mirrors the food’s essence and brand identity. As a professional food label design agency in New Zealand, we strive to challenge crafting a marketable design that makes your food product stand out among shelves and retrieves sales.

However, there are various limitations with regard to creativity in design. Your label design shouldn’t be too creative where it crosses the line. For example, if customers find it difficult to identify your product and its benefits, it would become a failure, and you have to reconsider the design.

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Also Read: Product Packaging Design: Complete Guide for NZ Business

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Ingredients in Creating an Attractive Food Label Design

Now let’s discuss the major components that need to be considered while creating an effective food label design:

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1. Understanding Target Audience:

target person

The first thing to be considered before creating a food label design is to have clarity on whom you want this product to be reached – understanding your target audience. Achieving this step helps regulate the best food product labelling strategies.

Consumers tend to catch a product or brand with the help of colours, themes, fonts, etc. Thus, understanding your audience will help you develop the packaging that pleases them. In other words, we can contemplate the labelling of your food product as a form of communication or promoting tool that can convey to the customer the nature of your brand.

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2. Include Brand Story:

ice cream brand story


ice cream brand story


There will always be an inspirational story behind the success of every brand. Consumers love to hear stories and get influenced easily. It is one of the major marketing strategies used by brands across the globe. Having a solid brand story also helps generate trust and a lasting impression among the target audience.

For example, some companies might have stories of decades ago, transferring from generations, while others are startups established out of true passion. Let it be any case, mention your effective stories behind the development of each product. Remember, while creating your story, make it short and crisp, directly delivering the main point. It not only guides in brand communication but also enhances your design elements.

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3. Picking Right Colours:

One of the essential features of brand identity and labelling is colour consistency. The colour pattern you follow across labelling is crucial to customer awareness of your brand and products.

The colours used in the food label design also make it highlight when displayed on the shelves. It also plays a crucial role in buying decisions and flourishing emotional affectivity to the product.

At the same time, you can try fun shades and typeface but don’t cross the limit. Suppose you have multiple products under the same segment; you can go for variant designs that maintain uniformity in all the products.

wine label design


food label design idea


food label design idea


honey jar label design


honey jar label design


wine label design


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4. Selection of Fonts:

Can a font speak who you are and what you do? Yes, a solid font can evoke positive emotions and provide legibility at the same time. The industry you’re in and your target audience should also impact your font choice.

A typical food label design has a considerable amount of content on it. Executing this information in the best possible method is the centre of label design, and engrossing the proper font to do so is predominant.

Utilising multiple fonts for different sections will be availed for your product. For example, you can use a font for the main title or name, another for the slogan and the third classification for nutritional facts or product information of the label design.

typography jar label design


typograhy label design


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best typography label design


typography jar label design


typography jar label design


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5. Follow Food Standard Guidelines:

The Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is the primary government body regulating food safety in New Zealand. FSANZ exhibits food labelling grades in the Food Standards Code. To get your food product labelling approved by FSANZ, you need to create the design according to those particular guidelines.

You might think it might be an easy task, but it’s not! Only a professional food label design agency in New Zealand can execute it professionally, meeting all the regulations. Our LogoDesignNewZealand team has proven expertise in this segment and distinctly follows the guidelines while creating the food product labelling.

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6. Product Imagery:

Illustrations, imageries, symbols and icons can be implemented in a throng of styles that each develops an ample visual language and come up with visual stimuli. Placing simple imagery makes the audience perceive the product easily; using complex imageries requires more than a moment for the consumer to identify your product.

Consider the varying sensitive experiences that different imageries communicate: taste, scent, flavour, etc. All such elements can be visually represented in the packaging design. According to studies, users spend 21% longer than ordinary looking at it.

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custom cake box packaging design


food illustration design


food illustration design


product label design


product label design


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7. Customer Review:

Customer Review

No matter your business, the primary goal is to satisfy customer needs. So while creating a design, you need to keep considering, keep updated and engage them in the design process. A professional brand design agency will do good research before commencing the process, creating the best design that meets audience requirements.

However, some adopt to include customer interaction at each stage, which helps both parties understand the design flow, and others only provide minimalistic updates for approval. At LogoDesignNewZealand, we provide unlimited designing options and multiple concepts until a customer is delighted with one design. Each time we exhibit designs, we consider customers’ reviews and carry them forward only on that basis.

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Some Inspirational Food Label Design Ideas

Any food packaging is incomplete without an attractive label design. Whether it’s your logo design, USPs, product information, story, consumers always look for engaging packaging labels on your products. In the current scenario, people are concerned about what they are purchasing, even if it’s a pen, making the label a crucial branding component.

Though there is no limit to creating a label design, ensure it is clear and attractive. Let’s discuss some of the inspirational food label design ideas to give you an apprehension of the latest trends of food label designs:














wine bottle label design inspiration



creative wine label design


manuka honey jar label design


creative wine typography label design


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Creating a solid food label design for your products is not an easy task, thus not everyone’s cup of tea! It’s always a group of creative people’s input that helps create an engaging label design for a product.

With the ingredients mentioned above, LogoDesignNewZealand develops designs that meet clients’ needs and demands, moreover pleasing to the target audience.

If you have any queries regarding creating a promising food label design, we are there to help you. We always focus on new innovations and serve our clients with utmost sincerity and passion. Just put your query, our team member will contact you, and we can discuss the scope of product design over a cup of coffee.

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